4 Easy Ways to Get Your Brand Noticed

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Josh Nadeau

Branding is an excellent marketing technique. It allows your potential customers to understand what your company or product is about and gives them a sense of what they're getting. Everybody uses branding from products to companies to people, and those who are best at it use the following tricks to get their brands in the spotlight.
1. Brand Voice
Having an image isn't enough to build a brand. Products like Pepsi and Coca Cola might not necessarily seem like they have anything to say, but if you look closely, there is something consistent about their advertising. Coca Cola, for example, keeps their product relevant and hip with celebrity mascots. The company also would seem to be committed to more left-wing issues, like the environment and children.
What makes these sorts of campaigns successful is that they make use of a brand voice that is consistent. It's what gives your brand its personality. That personality is what draws people in and gets them talking. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West might seem somewhat ridiculous to some, but their over-the-top behaviour and larger-than-life lifestyles are the very things that keep them relevant. A brand voice needs to add to the conversation in an appropriate and unique way.
2. Social Media
A brand voice needs an outlet. Social Media is one of the best ways to have that voice heard. The forum-like quality of websites like Twitter or Facebook is the perfect way to get your brand off the ground. Anybody can see a post on Twitter and anybody can share it, meaning you can appeal to many demographics. Your brand is suddenly a person with a voice, and you can have your company or product directly communicate with people on a personal level. It makes your brand accessible and also will have it stick in people's minds.
3. Be Unique and Sincere
Having a unique and interesting brand voice is an obvious way to get attention. However, it takes a lot of finesse for a brand to be believable. Standing out takes a lot of work, but it's worth it. You can choose a few words, personality traits or even ideals that you want your brand to exude. Once you have a good idea, everything you say through your brand should be in line with that image.
It sounds a lot easier than it is. It means making sure you describe everything you do through your brand the same way. Many young companies have a laid back and relaxed image, like Google or Apple, but those are images that have a proven track record. Regardless of your approach, your brand should be organic and come naturally out of your product. Not every company will be appealing to younger audiences. Keep your voice unique and sincere and make sure it fits what you want to do and isn't something you're trying to force on your business.
4. Make Use of Marketing Opportunities
To build your brand, it needs to be visible. There are lots of opportunities to market your product without spending tons of money and having it look natural. You can have your fans like and tweet about your brand. You can recruit people to blog about your brand and products. A modern way to create traction on a brand is by distributing free trials and samples among leading bloggers, reviewers and journalists in your industry. Although some may consider this a bit of an underhanded approach, if you're honest about it, you can gain an incredible amount of exposure as well as a positive image. A company that's willing to invest in its clients and fans will do much better than one trying to rely on ads and word of mouth alone.
Building a brand isn't as easy as picking a word to exemplify. It takes a bit of finesse and a lot of intelligent and directed choices about what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and who to say it to. That takes attention to detail and a certain kind of sincerity. Good copy and dedication will keep you ahead of the game - as long as you're willing to play the game.

Written by:

Josh Nadeau
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Josh is a seasoned writer and SEO expert with years of professional experience in business operations, sales enablement, and marketing development. He specializes in conceptualizing and developing content for clients in multiple industry spaces with a primary focus on cybersecurity, business development, finance, and information technology. Josh is extremely professional, courteous and dedicated to meeting all his clients' needs.
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