Einstein Boosted Brain Power with the Symphony Effect. You Can, Too.

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Kirk P.

What's the first thing you think of when I say "Albert Einstein?"

It's probably physics. Or e=mc². Or the theory of relativity.

But what about music?

Few people know Einstein was an accomplished musician who played the piano and violin. He used classical music to visualize theories and translate them into the scientific principles we know today.

"I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music."

Einstein didn't separate _science and music into silos but viewed these disciplines as equally important. _Science influenced music. Music influenced science. He saw science from the paradigm of a musician. Sounds inspired logic and math.

So Why Can't We Be More like Einstein?

Why don't we view our disciplines, talents, and aspirations as equal?

Because we put everything into boxes:

  • Science or music.
  • Music _or _science.

It's either/or.

Unlike Einstein, we don't embrace a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems.

I've spent the last few years researching a revolutionary new concept we can apply to entrepreneurship, business, and other fields.

I call it the Symphony Effect. In a symphony, unique elements work together to create synchronicity.

And I've just realized that Einstein used the Symphony Effect to expand his knowledge of physics.

Erm, How?

Because Einstein never siloed science and music but viewed them as complementary, using sounds and syllables to crack complex scientific conundrums. He was flexible, not specific, in his thinking.

He adopted a multidimensional, multifaceted, multi-angle approach to solving the mysteries of the universe.

Why Is It So Hard for Some of Us to Grasp This Concept?

We're hard-wired to do one thing well and not multi-task. Parents want their kids to become a doctor _or _a lawyer. But never both.

But I believe once you incorporate the Symphony Effect into your life, anything is possible. A new job. A promotion. A seven-figure salary. You can accomplish anything. Just by changing the way you think.

We hear so much about the 80-20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, which states 80% of outcomes _come from 20% of causes_. But we over-apply this principle. It's specific, not flexible.

80/20 doesn't reveal the full picture.

But the Symphony Effect lets us view everything as a whole.

Why the 80/20 Rule Is B.S.

Think about a piece of classical music with a soprano melody. The melody represents about 20% of the musical composition, but it's in the foreground, so it's more noticeable. We don't notice the bass in the middle ground or the alto and tenor voices in the background. (Even though they make up 80% of the piece.)

Now think of an iceberg. The iceberg's tip, which only makes up about 20% of this massive piece of rock, peeks out above sea level. It's the only thing we see.

The Symphony Effect tells us to appreciate the whole. The full 100%. For Einstein, music _and _science existed on the same continuum.

  • Science wasn't more important than music.
  • Music wasn't more important than science.

What the Symphony Effect Is Not

The Symphony Effect isn't about being general. It's not throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks. It's about being multidimensional in your thinking, where one discipline inspires the other.

There's a popular life concept that stems from ancient Greece called zoe and bios.

  • Zoe (the life of zoology) refers to life in general.
  • Bios (the life of biology) refers to a specific life that distinguishes one living thing from another.

Both zoe and bios symbolize life but in two different ways.

But even this concept is too prescriptive. Einstein wasn't _general _like zoe or _specific _like bios. He existed somewhere in the middle, adopting a multifaceted approach that combined elements of both.

The Symphony Effect tells us to be specific but not too specific and general but not too general. We find success not by limiting our thinking _or _being too broad in our thinking. The Symphony Effect finds the sweet spot in-between. And it's here where we find success, whether that's wealth or fame or discovering the next theory of relativity.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to tell you more about the Symphony Effect, the entrepreneurs and celebrities that already use it, and how it will change your life.

Written by:

Kirk P.
Hire Kirk P
Kirk P. is a freelance writer who specializes in creative, click-worthy content for businesses in various verticals, including digital marketing, technology, retail, health care, and lifestyle and travel. Kirk's work has appeared on Travelocity, Ziff Davis, StubHub, and more. His talents include SEO-optimized copy, blog posts, website pages, press releases, product descriptions, email newsletters, and Tweets and Facebook posts.
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