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Ashley A
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David T
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Michael N
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1105 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

Hiring a full-time legal writer costs between $18 and $27. Additionally, you have to pay for the employee’s payroll taxes and benefits. Hiring a freelance legal writer often costs less in the long run because you pay per word. An experienced legal writer will typically charge about 10 to 15 cents per word, depending on the topic.

You can find a reliable legal writer by joining a content-provider platform. Most platforms vet their legal writers by reviewing their published articles and tracking their performance. When you join a writer’s community, you can browse profiles to read client reviews, author biographies, writing samples, and other information that will help you choose the right person for your job.

Most people look for legal writers who can make complex topics easy to understand. Legal writing often uses vocabulary that the average person never encounters. Content writers can turn complicated laws into clear writing that anyone can understand. Also, look for a writer with a proven history of meeting deadlines and following project guidelines.

You don’t have to hire a legal writer who works as a lawyer. In fact, many lawyers hire legal writers to create content for their social media profiles, websites, blogs, and newsletters. Lawyers don’t have time to serve their clients and blog posts. It makes more sense to hire someone with excellent research and writing skills.

Hiring a legal writer can benefit your business in several ways. If you manage a law firm, excellent content can bring more traffic to your website. As more people visit your site, your firm should get more clients. If you have a business that makes money from advertising, you can increase your ad revenues by hiring a legal writer with SEO experience. As your page rankings improve, you will make more money from the ads on your site.

Find Your Perfect Legal Writers

Search top legal writers to write high-quality content for the legal industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Alexandra Bower
Hire Alexandra B
 I have experience writing blogs, articles, and press releases for several industries, including, but not limited to, health and wellness, beauty, law, and politics.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
811 reviews
Hire Alexandra B
Kirk P.
Hire Kirk P
Kirk P. is a freelance writer who specializes in creative, click-worthy content for businesses in various verticals, including digital marketing, technology, retail, health care, and lifestyle and travel. Kirk's work has appeared on Travelocity, Ziff Davis, StubHub, and more. His talents include SEO-optimized copy, blog posts, website pages, press releases, product descriptions, email newsletters, and Tweets and Facebook posts.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
3070 reviews
Hire Kirk P
Scott Kessman
Hire Scott K
I possess a strong 20-year background in marketing, digital marketing, and advertising. However, writing has always been a true passion of mine, and after working in corporate offices for many years, I turned my passion for writing into a full-time job. As a contract content writer for the last 15 years, I can craft engaging and informative content about a wide variety of subjects. I have also written and published two fantasy novels and a collection of short stories.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
1133 reviews
Hire Scott K
Autumn Rivers
Hire Autumn R
Autumn has a BA in Journalism from Arizona State University, where she was accepted to the Barrett Honors College. Since 2008, she has written content focusing on the law, real estate, business, insurance, travel, education, digital marketing, and social media. There are few topics she hasn't written about at this point, but she loves learning something new every day, so she's always up for the fun of researching and writing about new subjects.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
739 reviews
Hire Autumn R
Dorothy Bond
Hire Dorothy B
Dorothy is a full-time freelancer and native Californian now located in Flint, MI. She specializes in health and beauty, education, entertainment, and legal topics. Dorothy has completed paralegal training and previously worked as a long-term substitute in public schools. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
141 reviews
Hire Dorothy B
Jennifer Cameron
Hire Jennifer C
Since 2010, writer/editor/designer, Jennifer "J Lynn" Cameron has delivered quality SEO content and strategy guidance, plus auditing services. J Lynn is a Subject Matter Expert in marketing, sales, finance, retail, eCommerce, luxury travel, lifestyle topics, and more. As an editor, she's a lion tracking mistakes and overall flow—she can tame the wildest content after that first cup of coffee. She builds relationships on a foundation of mutual trust and business understanding.  In her spare time, she dreams of seeing the sky from Machu Picchu's summit and plotting the future's classic novels...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
829 reviews
Hire Jennifer C

Why hire a federal law writer?

The federal laws of the United States are complicated and continuously in flux. Clients everywhere are in need of wise legal advice and aid when it comes to federal laws, and there are plenty of different firms out there ready to help. How can your legal organization stand out from the crowd?

The skills of a federal law writer can provide a crucial boost to any law firm. Use the talents of a federal law writer to develop compelling content on any subject your potential clients might be interested in - everything from the changing of federal tax laws to the impact of new government rules and regulations. Content from a federal law writer is perfect to showcase your firm's specific expertise with this highly-in-demand area.

If you're looking for the perfect federal law writer for your organization, try Scripted! Once a member you can choose from all the federal law writers in our database and find the content you need.

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