FIFA 17 - 5 Changes You'll Notice From the PS4 and Xbox One Demo

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer KT Hall

Are you gearing up for new holiday games? Maybe you're looking into the PS4 VR and know the Virtual Reality games will be top of the line. You might also look at the Xbox One games that will be out over the holidays. For now though, the talk of the town is the new FIFA 17 and the changes that you'll notice with this game that you won't see from the FIFA 16 version. Here are just a few of the noted changes from top gaming users.

EA has released a new version of FIFA 16, so if you've mastered it, then you're anxiously awaiting FIFA 17. Well, here it is. EA is getting split reactions from FIFA 17. Some think its better while others still aren't sure what to think. Will you play on or go home, sulk over a beer and download Pro Evolution Soccer 17 just because it should be done? Here are the changes so that you know what to look for and you can then decide for yourself.

  1. The Pre match training drills

Take on all your friends and best buds with FIFA and go for the big win. One thing that was a big time waster is seeing the tedious and time consuming player-one as it goes through dribble mode with the cones while the game loads. This is a new and welcome change so now you can find that there are different training responsibility tasks shown and you can see that both of the players will be active while you await a new match to start.

  1. The intensity before game play

This is a new change, very subtle and neat, but we noticed right away. Players an now match up face to face as soon as you pick out your team and players. This adds to the heightened intensity of game play and helps to keep the game going as you anticipate playing.

  1. Corner landing has changed

Okay, this is one that we were hoping would be changed and it has! Remember when you would try to stand in a corner but you couldn't tell where the cross might end up. That's a thing of the past. This feature has been refined so now when you're standing in a corner you can tell exactly where the cross is going to land in the corner. In addition to that, there is now an out swing that can help with giving more power with headers. This may not be a big change for some and it may not have even been necessary, but one thing we know is that as the headers go flying by the keepers, no one is saying a word. Not one. No complaints here.

  1. Changes to penalties

We're not thrilled about the changes to penalties. Yup, this is a bad one. Now you will need to use both the left button, as well as the right button before you can place the power with the X-button that's on the Xbox One version of this game. What happened to the 2 step run ups? We're still scratching our heads over this one as it's a bit cumbersome and may take some time to get used to.

  1. Shooting changes

Has the shot power changed or is it just us? You might notice that with your initial attack that it seems like the shot power has gone up on FIFA 17. You can now actually drill a shot that's low and quite hard – sorry goal keepers! This is in lieu of the previous way of goal flying when you had to hold the power bar down. That means more finesse on your shots! And one on ones will be a lot easier. Will the AI goalkeeper improve in functionality? Not sure but we'll see what happens with the launch.

Other changes include the team cards and the fireworks going off. How we love the new pyrotechnics! You'll also find that the journey teaser of what to expect with the game will make it definitely something to look forward to. Okay, we're happy with the changes and can't wait for everyone to have FIFA 17 in hand!

Written by:

KT Hall
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