Four Great Sources For Valuable Business and Marketing Trends (July 2015)

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Suzzanne Doiron

When I start my monthly writing process for the Kennebec Valley Chamber, the first thing I do is search for up-and-coming trends that business owners may find interesting or useful. This month, while I was attempting to narrow down the topics that caught my interest, it dawned on me that knowing where to find what's trending would be far more useful than hearing about one new idea at a time. Here, direct to you from me, are my four favorite resources for discovering new trends that keep the world of business fresh and exciting! 1. Google Trends. Google does everything and more. The company that loves to gather information (sometimes it seems for its own amusement) is using this information to help you! With the Google trends tools, you can see what hot topics everyone using Google is searching or looking for, many of which you can use in your own marketing strategies. Trending topics are especially good for social media marketing. Try it out at: 2. Twitter and Facebook. Speaking of social media marketing, Twitter and Facebook are great places to go to see what people want to talk about. If you want to keep politics out of your business, that's ok: there are plenty of friendly topics that you can read more about, as well! 3. Good Old Fashioned Print (or its online, paperless cousin). Magazines likeForbes and Fast Company are two of my personal favorites because they are constantly changing the direction of their content to keep up with the innovations happening in business, worldwide. If you're looking for a more local viewpoint, take some free time to read the local newspaper (or the online version and all of its dreaded comments sections) and see what people in your community are interested in. 4. Search Engines. Sometimes finding the next trend to focus your marketing strategies on is simply a click away. By using search terms like "Maine business trends" and "summer marketing ideas" I found a wealth of free resources useful to businesses of any type. If you're ever running short on ideas for your next business move, just remember that there is an audience filled with people more than willing to put their interests and opinions out there for the world to see. Since these interests are coming straight from the people you wish to interest with your goods and services, it seems the most logical thing to consider when making your next marketing move.

Written by:

Suzzanne Doiron
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Hello! My name is Suzzanne. I'm an experienced content writer and consultant based in beautiful, historic Gardiner, Maine. A freelance content writer for over a decade (specializing in B2B and B2C), I am also the assistant manager of a fine craft retail gallery owned and operated by a member-based arts non-profit organization. Business, art, craft, and design are four of my biggest passions. I am fortunate to be able to incorporate all of them into my professional life on a daily basis! I'm always willing to talk to new potential customers about current and future projects. Thank you for ta...
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