Great Apps to Boost You Into Spring

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Lee Barbour

Spring is here and it's a time to feel happy and alive! We're all ready to feel thawed out from the winter chill and are looking for ways to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves. Here are a few ideas that might help you usher in the warmth of Spring and say goodbye to Winter! Start Planning a Vacation Winter can be a tough time to travel and many people opt to hole up in the warmth of their own homes instead of escaping to the sunshine. Now that Spring is here, why not at least start planning a vacation for later in the year? Studies have shown that the mere act of planning a vacation can bring a great amount of joy to your life, even if the trip is in the not-so-distant future. So start shaking off the winter blues and get out your travel planning apps! TouristEye is a great app to help you build a "wishlist" of destinations that you'd like to take at some point in your life! Start Gardening Getting your hands in the soil is one of the true calling cards of Spring. It's time to get the gardening tools out and spring into full bloom. You know you want a garden full of beautiful blossoms but sometimes you can't recall which ones are which. Leafsnap, NatureGate and iPflanzen are apps that help you take pictures of beautiful plants or flowers that you love and identify them so you can learn how to grow them yourself! Put Together a BBQ A Springtime BBQ is one of the best ways to not only celebrate the arrival of Spring, but also to showcase the fresh, seasonal food and enjoy the beautiful weather. Keep it casual! BBQs are a good way to have a gathering without making a big fuss. Set up a table outside with colorful placemats and dinnerware. Make sure the plates are big so your guests can fit all the goodies on it! Plan a menu that includes items to grill like burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and grilled vegetables and think up some creative sides to include. Perfect Produce is a great app for keeping your fruits and vegetables straight and coming up with last minute recipes on how to use them! Get into a spring attitude with these simple pleasures and fun new apps to help! Getting outside of the house and feeling less weighed down by the dreary days of winter will improve your mood and get you energized in no time!

Written by:

Lee Barbour
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Lee Barbour is a seasoned content writer with a Master's degree from Sarah Lawrence College. She writes across a variety of industries, including travel, technology, digital marketing, healthcare, business, and real estate. She has collaborated on award-winning campaigns for both startups and Fortune 500 companies, and her work has led her to jobs in Chicago, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Cyprus, Japan and New York City. She has over 15 years of experience in client communication and wordsmithing.
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