How to Succeed as a Scripted Writer
While many of you have been Scripted writers for an extended period of time, you may not have had the chance to get as much out of Scripted as you hoped. If you're looking to become a prolific Scripted writer, see below for our tips on landing more jobs, increasing your pay and enhancing your freelance career.
Apply for Specialties
Specialties are a great way to open up your writing opportunities even further. Specialty writers are able to speak knowledgeably on niche topics while also contributing a higher level of research to a piece. Specialty jobs also pay more per piece than other Scripted jobs. Learn more about becoming a specialist here.
Keep A High Reliability Score
You learn learn about how Reliability Score is calculated here. Keeping this score as high as possible will ensure you'll keep a clean standing on the platform and never have any restrictions as to jobs you can claim.
Pitch Your Ideas
Sometimes, the availability of jobs will change with the ebb and flow of customers' needs. When your Unclaimed Jobs tab is looking a little more sparse than usual, it's best to head to the Proposals tab of your writer dashboard to submit your ideas for customers who need content but are looking to you for inspiration. You can pitch in a multitude of subject areas -- pick those that are most suited to your expertise and interests!
Fill Out Your Writer Profile
We have received direct feedback from our customers that writers with a complete writer profile (including an image and writing samples) are more likely to influence their decision on whether to purchase a blog idea or directly assign a job. As such, you can increase your chances of having your topics selected by showcasing your talents through providing writing samples in your writer profile. Choose three different areas of focus for your writing samples to provide a more comprehensive look at your experiences and strengths.
Volunteer For Special Projects
Occasionally, we will have a call for writers in certain subject areas or locations. These specialized projects can often lead to exclusive access to specific jobs and customers as well as an opportunity for more work overall. We often gauge writer interest and availability for these projects in an email or through a writer survey. By volunteering to work on a specific project, you're not only showing us the breadth of your writing skills, but you're also showing us that you can be reliable in a pinch!
We find that our writers who have the most repeat work from customers reach out early and often via messaging. Introduce yourself and build a rapport with your client. Customers feel at ease knowing that their writer is confident and available.
See Below For More Scripted Tips:
A Glossary of Scripted Terms
Scripted Workflow: The Life of a Job
Published by JD Peterson on Thursday, October 8, 2015 in Pitches, Scripted, Topic Marketplace, Writer.