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Tiffany G
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1366 reviews
Scripted W
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
180 reviews
Jennifer C
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
829 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

Hiring a retail and ecommerce writer usually costs $50 to $75 per hour. Many freelance writers, however, prefer charging by the word. When you compare prices, expect writers to ask for 10 to 20 cents per word, especially when you want them to write detailed articles about conversion strategies. The more experience and previous success writers have, the more they can charge for their services.

Join a content creation platform to hire the best retail and ecommerce writers. The managers of reputable platforms only hire writers with impressive profiles and writing skills. Many companies have writers take tests before they can create profiles. Browse the writer profiles to read writing samples, biographies, client reviews, and other information to help you choose a professional.

Look for a retail and ecommerce writer who keeps up with the latest trends in your industry. Writers should know about subjects such as multi-platform selling, customer retargeting, cart abandonment, mobile optimization, and writing persuasive calls to action (CTA). You should also look for signs of professionalism. You need a writer who will follow your project guidelines and turn in assignments on time.

It stands to reason that you will get more accurate information and advice from retail and ecommerce writers who have worked in the field. Many writers create content for their personal and professional websites. While they don’t work the same as retail sites, they have similarities and often work with the same tools like SalesForce, WordPress, and other popular platforms to manage their clients.

Don’t expect your website traffic and sales to increase immediately. Retail and ecommerce writers use organic SEO practices that take time to work. Paid advertisements might get faster results, but they cost much more. Organic SEO content will grow your brand and keep people coming back to your site. You should see results from the optimized content within a few weeks or months, depending on your competitors.

Find Your Perfect Retail & Ecommerce Writers

Search top retail & ecommerce writers to write high-quality content for the retail & ecommerce industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Autumn Rivers
Hire Autumn R
Autumn has a BA in Journalism from Arizona State University, where she was accepted to the Barrett Honors College. Since 2008, she has written content focusing on the law, real estate, business, insurance, travel, education, digital marketing, and social media. There are few topics she hasn't written about at this point, but she loves learning something new every day, so she's always up for the fun of researching and writing about new subjects.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
739 reviews
Hire Autumn R
April Khan
Hire April K
April Khan is an accomplished business, lifestyle, and medical writer with over 20 years of experience. Since opening Gud Agency Inc., she published over 4,000 articles for various publications and well-respected companies, including DropBox, Shape,  NHS, and LG. Her specialty is optimized content that sparks change. Khan is educated in Media, Health Communications, and Healthcare Law. She is passionate about behavioral sciences and works tirelessly to promote health equity.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
116 reviews
Hire April K
Jennifer Cameron
Hire Jennifer C
Since 2010, writer/editor/designer, Jennifer "J Lynn" Cameron has delivered quality SEO content and strategy guidance, plus auditing services. J Lynn is a Subject Matter Expert in marketing, sales, finance, retail, eCommerce, luxury travel, lifestyle topics, and more. As an editor, she's a lion tracking mistakes and overall flow—she can tame the wildest content after that first cup of coffee. She builds relationships on a foundation of mutual trust and business understanding.  In her spare time, she dreams of seeing the sky from Machu Picchu's summit and plotting the future's classic novels...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
829 reviews
Hire Jennifer C
Alexandra Bower
Hire Alexandra B
 I have experience writing blogs, articles, and press releases for several industries, including, but not limited to, health and wellness, beauty, law, and politics.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
811 reviews
Hire Alexandra B
Emily Clayton
Hire Emily C
Emily Clayton is a Sacramento, California-based freelance writer, editor, and storyteller. Her primary expertise and writing interests are in lifestyle, health/wellness, travel, home/garden, and art/design fields, yet her skills range across subjects and project types, including articles, blog posts, and product descriptions. With 11 years of writing experience to her name, Emily is a seasoned writer who love creating projects that delight and inspire. In her spare time, she heads out for birdwatching and nature spaces, used bookstores, and Victorian-era homes and buildings.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
220 reviews
Hire Emily C
Kirk P.
Hire Kirk P
Kirk P. is a freelance writer who specializes in creative, click-worthy content for businesses in various verticals, including digital marketing, technology, retail, health care, and lifestyle and travel. Kirk's work has appeared on Travelocity, Ziff Davis, StubHub, and more. His talents include SEO-optimized copy, blog posts, website pages, press releases, product descriptions, email newsletters, and Tweets and Facebook posts.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
3070 reviews
Hire Kirk P
Mabh Savage
Hire Mabh S
Mabh is an experienced professional copywriter and copyeditor with clients all around the world. As well as being a published author and regular columnist for various magazines, she writes SEO-focused copy for websites, blogs, and e-zines across a variety of industries. Her primary focus is health and nutrition, with expertise in fitness, supplements, complementary therapies, and a range of medical conditions. She's also up to date with digital transformation, data management, and data analytics, helping a number of thriving companies in this area engage their customers and clients with eas...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
755 reviews
Hire Mabh S
Krista Hillis
Hire Krista H
Krista graduated from the University of Guelph where she studied psychology and neuroscience. Still active in her research, she now focuses on all aspects of health — both mental and physical. Based on her strong research skills, she is confident in a wide range of topics. Her specialties are health, neuroscience, and business. She is currently designing and building her own off-grid home. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
1759 reviews
Hire Krista H
Hunter Amato
Hire Hunter A
As a technical copywriter in the fields of finance and technology, Hunter Amato has a deep understanding of software, hardware, and the marketplaces in which each can be found. He has covered complex processes related to information technology, operations management, retirement planning, fiduciary regulations, investment performance analytics, video scripts, and more. His practical and theoretical knowledge of computer-based systems is complemented by his years of experience working with IT, VoiP, and other forms of modern workplace technologies.  
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
359 reviews
Hire Hunter A
Matthew Thompson
Hire Matthew T
With more than two decades of writing and optimization experience, I know how to keep readers engaged, mimic brand voices, and get first-page rankings on search engine results. I have written for companies in diverse industries, including emerging technologies, wellness, consumer apps, enterprise software, UI/UX, outsourcing, and education.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
2690 reviews
Hire Matthew T

Why hire an inventory management writer?

Inventory management is one of the most essential - and one of the trickiest - elements of the supply and distribution chain. It might seem basic, but keeping track of the products that need to get sold forms the basis of every successful enterprise.

Business owners and customers everywhere are looking for the information they need when it comes to inventory management. They're searching for best practices when it comes to keeping track of their management, strategies for distribution and monitoring, and dozens of other areas. When it comes to website's inventory management content, how do you stand out in a crowded marketplace?

Employing the services of a trained, professional inventory management writer might be just what you need. From engaging blog posts to attention-grabbing social media blasts, a freelance inventory management writer delivers the quality content your website needs. The best place to find this professional inventory management writer? The best-on-the web writer catalog at Scripted. Take a look at our catalog and find the perfect writer for your needs.

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