It’s Shocking Why Hundreds of Kids Visit the ER Daily

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Jenn Greenleaf

It's natural for kids to pick things up and explore them with their mouths—it's pretty much the first thing a toddler does while exploring his or her surroundings. And, because they're little people, they have no idea what's harmful and what's safe. I remember one of the most common phrases I called out to my little ones was, "No, put that down… no mouth!" As parents we want more than anything to keep our children not only protected from choking hazards but also from potentially poisons. The unfortunate reality, however, is that hundreds of kids are visiting the ER daily because accidental overdosing are occurring. According to ABC News, these occurrences are sending upwards of 160 children to the ER daily throughout the United States. Another unfortunate reality is nearly half of these kids – a whopping 48 percent – have accidentally overdosed on their grandparent's medication! Kids are also accidentally ingesting vitamins, diaper cream, those brightly colored antacids we take after eating too many tacos, the squishy laundry packs we love having on hand because they're convenient, and more. While we may lock away bleach and ammonia because those are the obvious contaminants, it's critical to be cognizant of all potential hazards. What do you think about these statistics? Do they make you rethink how you're locking away household items?

Written by:

Jenn Greenleaf
Hire Jenn G
Jenn has been working as a freelance writer since 1999, and she's been keeping the books for her husband's residential building contracting business since 2004. Some of her past experiences include working as a finance clerk, an art teacher, preschool teacher, and substitute teacher. She also briefly held office as a Selectmen (Select Woman!). Her Scripted contributions include articles, blog posts, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, website content, white papers, and more.
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