Lock the Boss in the Closet

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Bobbie Byrd

Lock the Boss in the Closet

Like to solve puzzles? Getting tired of constantly looking to your phone for your entertainment? Or maybe you're experiencing some difficulties at work with the new members on your team. They just don't seem to fit in with the rest, and the drop in your team's productivity is attracting the boss's attention.

Sounds like it's time for an escape.

What's an Escape Room?

If you've ever played video games, you've probably seen games designed on the "escape-the-room" style. These types of games are usually set in fictional locations, such as castles, prisons, haunted houses, space stations, etc. The purpose is to solve a puzzle using clues you find to escape the room.

An escape room is a physical adventure game, played in real life, that's based on the video game genre. You and your friends, family or co-workers choose a scenario and get background information, then you're locked in a room and given (usually) 60 minutes to find, decipher and utilize clues to unlock the door to get out.

Simple enough, right? Not so fast. The ever-changing scenarios used in these rooms would make Sir Arthur Conan Doyle proud (think Sherlock Holmes.)

Escape to Fun

There was a time when employees had to make "trust falls" or spend a day clinging to rope bridges for dear life, all in the name of corporate team building. Thankfully, corporate training has taken things up a notch. Escape rooms are rapidly becoming the favorite method to encourage employee bonding and team building.

The trust fall – closing your eyes and falling backward while hoping your colleagues catch you – was not only dreaded by most employees, it was pretty much an exercise in futility.

Companies are choosing escape rooms as their go-to team-building activity more and more. Not only does it give employees an opportunity for intellectual and (sometimes) physical activity, it's also time to practice problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills and to exercise some leadership chops. And, best of all, it is actually fun!

The Take-Away

Using escape rooms as a tool for corporate team building is sure to grab your employees' attention – far better than the prospect of attending a lecture-style workshop all day. But what exactly can you expect your team to learn in the relatively short time they'll actually spend locked in the escape room?

  • Communication. Team members will figure out quickly that they'll not be getting out on time if they don't communicate with each other. Not just talk at each other: truly communicate. Share ideas, verbally brainstorm, vocalize their thoughts.
  • Leadership. Those with team leadership skills will find this is a good time to exercise them. Someone will have to lead, decide the path to follow, and it will usually take more than one willing to suggest concepts and offer options.
  • Think outside the box. The guys writing the game scenarios are not slackers; these puzzles are tough! Those problem-solving skills for which you hired your team members will have incentive to shine through in an escape room. It won't take long for your team members to realize they need to release their creative genius to beat the room.
  • Listen. Team members will learn quickly that listening to everyone in the group is a good thing; all members of a team have something to contribute. The guy who usually sits back and doesn't say anything in the staff meetings is usually the one who finds the crucial clue to solving the puzzle.
  • Teamwork. It is great to be an individual but there are times when being a team player is the better part of valor. When your clock is ticking and you haven't found the key to getting out, egos can fade quickly.

A group goes in. A team comes out.

Give us a call to set up your team's escape.

Written by:

Bobbie Byrd
Hire Bobbie B
I hold a BA degree in Social Studies Education and recently retired from my teaching career. Before that, I worked for approximately 20 years as a registered nurse. During my spare time, I ran my own cottage business, marketing my own custom designed jewelry. My life experiences have taught me quite a bit about myriad topics. I am now embarked on a freelance writing career. I have been ghostwriting for various clients since March 2015. I can write on just about any subject, from whatever point of view the client desires - from glowing recommendation to scathing rebuke. I am a writer; I w...
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