Hire AI-Driven Education Writers Now!

David T
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Han W
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620 reviews
Rachel R
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1366 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

The cost of an education writer usually depends on the person’s experience and the topic you want them to cover. A novice writer looking to build a portfolio of work might agree to write a simple article for 5 or 6 cents per word. A teacher with enough experience to write about topics such as ability grouping, supporting vulnerable students, and recognizing developmental issues will likely ask for 10 to 15 cents per word.

You can hire an education writer by joining a reputable writer platform. Writer platforms vet writers by having them pass tests and providing writing samples. Those who pass can publicize their profiles to attract clients. Search for the profiles of writers with experience writing about education. Then, you can read writing samples, client reviews, and other information that will help you choose someone who meets your website’s needs.

You want to look for an education writer who can connect with your audience. More likely than not, parents come to your website looking for answers. A great education writer can explain complex topics in simple terms to help parents understand the challenges their children face. You also want to find a professional writer who will turn in projects on time and follow all of your guidelines.

Education writers can help your website by increasing traffic and informing visitors. After that, it depends on how your website makes money. Increased traffic will make it easier for you to earn money from ads and affiliate links. If you run a school or tutoring program, then the content will attract more people to your organization.

Pay attention to your website performance to determine whether you hired the right education writer. Over a few weeks or months, you should see increased traffic. That proves your writer creates good content for search engines and visitors. Most importantly, do you see an increase in revenue? Keep in mind that improvements will take a few weeks, so give your writer time to improve your website’s performance.

Find Your Perfect Education Writers

Search top education writers to write high-quality content for the education industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Paul McKinley
Hire Paul M
Paul is passionate about creating clear content that makes technical information easy to access and rank well online. He writes landing pages, technical documents, blog posts and social media posts for companies in a number of industries. In addition to content writing, he spends his time taking on DIY projects, traveling and raising four children.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
540 reviews
Hire Paul M
Suzanne Erickson
Hire Suzanne E
Suzanne is a full-time freelance copywriter and editor based in London, UK. She has written for multiple high-profile companies in the fields of lifestyle, marketing, and mental health. Although she enjoys writing across a variety of topics, her fields of expertise include psychology and mental health, education, languages, and digital marketing.  When she's not writing, you can usually catch her taking a walk or planning her next adventure abroad.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Star
39 reviews
Hire Suzanne E
Jennifer Cameron
Hire Jennifer C
Since 2010, writer/editor/designer, Jennifer "J Lynn" Cameron has delivered quality SEO content and strategy guidance, plus auditing services. J Lynn is a Subject Matter Expert in marketing, sales, finance, retail, eCommerce, luxury travel, lifestyle topics, and more. As an editor, she's a lion tracking mistakes and overall flow—she can tame the wildest content after that first cup of coffee. She builds relationships on a foundation of mutual trust and business understanding.  In her spare time, she dreams of seeing the sky from Machu Picchu's summit and plotting the future's classic novels...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
829 reviews
Hire Jennifer C
Elizabeth Trach
Hire Elizabeth T
Elizabeth Trach is a professional writer with experience writing online catalog copy, video scripts, press releases, landing pages for home decor and construction company websites, and how-to articles on dozens of fresh DIY topics. She is an expert blogger with a knack for breaking down complex topics into friendly, easily-digestible posts. With a Renassiance woman's interest in all forms of creative expression and human interest, she loves to dig into research for her writing projects. Her broad knowledge base elevates her work for clients and makes their projects sing. Elizabeth holds ...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
607 reviews
Hire Elizabeth T
Alexandra Bower
Hire Alexandra B
 I have experience writing blogs, articles, and press releases for several industries, including, but not limited to, health and wellness, beauty, law, and politics.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
811 reviews
Hire Alexandra B
Leah McClellan
Hire Leah M
With twenty years as a professional writer and editor and a BA and MA in English, I'm well-equipped to take on almost any assignment, including AI-generated content editing. My specialties include health and wellness, personal development, education, and travel. I'm also experienced in business writing and have Hubspot certification in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and SEO. I aim to provide your business with clear, compelling writing that communicates the right message to your audience — and produces results. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
29 reviews
Hire Leah M
Autumn Rivers
Hire Autumn R
Autumn has a BA in Journalism from Arizona State University, where she was accepted to the Barrett Honors College. Since 2008, she has written content focusing on the law, real estate, business, insurance, travel, education, digital marketing, and social media. There are few topics she hasn't written about at this point, but she loves learning something new every day, so she's always up for the fun of researching and writing about new subjects.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
739 reviews
Hire Autumn R
Dorothy Bond
Hire Dorothy B
Dorothy is a full-time freelancer and native Californian now located in Flint, MI. She specializes in health and beauty, education, entertainment, and legal topics. Dorothy has completed paralegal training and previously worked as a long-term substitute in public schools. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
141 reviews
Hire Dorothy B
Stasia Decker-Ahmed
Hire Stasia D
Stasia has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She spent 15 years working in the public school system before becoming a freelance writer, novelist, and blogger. Her middle grade novel "The Weirder the Better" was released in July 2011 by Black Heron Press. She has since self-published several eBooks and paperbacks. She has completed over a 1,000 articles in a wide range of subjects. Stasia has specific writing experience in the fields of education, health, fitness, technology, and law.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
336 reviews
Hire Stasia D
Michael Schlossberg
Hire Michael S
Mike is a writer and government official based out of Pennsylvania. He has written two books, been featured in numerous nationally known websites, including Governing Magazine, The Mighty, and Mental Floss. He maintains a blog on mental health, has written numerous op-eds in local papers and completed over 2,500 freelance articles for other services. His specialties include public policy, health care, mental health, social media, video games, business, finance, marketing, and more.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
386 reviews
Hire Michael S

Why Hire A Education Writer?

Benefits of Hiring Masters & Professional Degree Writers

Getting a master's or professional degree opens many doors concerning rewarding careers. However, these degrees also require a significant amount of planning, hard work, and dedication. Those seeking such degrees often turn to online resources to help them throughout this process. Whether you offer support for prospective students or provide a resource hub for those currently receiving their education, the quality of the content you publish matters.

The key to becoming a leading resource among those seeking content on master's and professional degrees is to hire expert writers — those who will consistently deliver high-caliber content you and your readers can count on. The more you publish, the greater your brand awareness and ability to grow your following, subscriber list, etc., leading to higher conversion rates.

Here are just some reasons why you should hire content writers, as well as the following steps.

You Can Focus on Growth: Regardless of your objectives or the type of business you run, you likely have a neverending task list. Considering the average blog post now takes four hours to write, regular content creation is incredibly time-consuming. If you spent that much time writing content, other areas of your business or organization could suffer. To increase productivity, you can hire freelance writers with the skills and experience needed to craft the type of content you need whenever you need it. This approach will allow you to focus on your site and growing brand.

Improve SEO: Depending on your goals, you may take one of many approaches concerning your content. However, regardless of your approach, tone, or objectives, you'll want to focus on the power of SEO. A well-planned SEO strategy will help you boost your ranking on search engines so that prospective readers can find you more easily. As traffic increases, you'll experience a higher ROI. By investing in expert master's and professional degree writers, you'll benefit from their knowledge and experience regarding keywords.

Grow Your Social Media Following: Although there are many effective channels for any content marketing strategy, from blogging to email marketing, social media is a great way to reach your target audience. When implemented correctly, you can enjoy higher conversion rates while remaining within your budget. Expert writers are well-versed in all types of content, helping you achieve your social media-specific goals.

Hiring a College Degree Writer on Scripted With Ease

When you're looking to hire writers experienced in a specific niche, such as master's or professional degrees, it can be tough to find writers who are an ideal match.

If this sounds like you, Scripted is the place to find professional freelance writers. We offer a large pool of talented writers, many of which have personal and professional experience with the process of obtaining a master's or professional degree.

Ready to get started? Start your 30-day free trial to discover the benefits of working with a professional content creation platform that is seamless and simple to use. Take the first step — hire master's and professional degree writers today!

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