The music industry is dynamic, and it changes frequently. Because of the ever-fluctuating nature of the industry , anyone in it needs to know how to quickly adjust with the times. That's true not only with your business itself but also with your music industry website. According to Billboard , ...
Globally, the music industry earned about $23.1 billion in 2020 . Unfortunately, that's less than industry revenues in the 1990s and early 2000s. As streaming services, independent labels, and critics vie for attention, you must develop a content strategy that improves your on-page SEO, increases organic traffic to your website, ...
As Louis Armstrong said, "Music is life itself" — and many people feel that way. Humans are highly connected to music, which brings those in the industry many opportunities to succeed. Although it is rapidly changing, the music industry continues to be a lucrative one. Each year, the industry reports ...