Hire AI-Driven Food & Beverage Writers Now!

Tiffany G
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Jennifer C
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829 reviews
Amanda G
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128 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

The cost to hire a food and beverage writer will vary depending on what you require in terms of a writer’s expertise. For example, some writers may also be chefs, whereas others simply have strong research skills and a passion for food. The rate a writer will charge will depend on the scope of work, how specialized their knowledge is, and the turnaround time. On average, expect to pay anywhere from $0.06 per word to $0.10. For more specialized assignments, writers may charge a higher rate.

Hiring a food and beverage writer is a fairly simple task when you look in the right places. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people seeking content writing work online — many of who lack the experience and skills to produce quality content. This can lead to lost resources and a poor return on investment. In comparison, when you hire professional food and beverage writers, you will benefit in so many ways. To obtain the best food and beverage writers, partner with a reputable content marketing platform.

Considering food bloggers have four times as many followers than any other industry, it's important that you hire a food and beverage writer with experience in content marketing, as well as a background in industry-related topics. Whether you own a restaurant or operate a cooking and recipe website, you'll want to hire a writer who understands your audience. Seek someone who is proficient in writing and passionate about food. This will ensure quality content that is valuable to your audience.

There is no denying how popular the food and beverage industry is. That is why you'll want to hire a food and beverage writer who can produce various types of content. From white papers to press releases, blog posts to social media content, experienced writers will adapt to your brand's needs.

Each food and beverage writer will bring unique experience to the table. For example, one writer may have worked in a restaurant in the past, whereas another may operate a food blog. As long as you’re consistently producing content, it is often beneficial to hire more than one writer. That way, you will always have a reliable freelance food and beverage writer when you need them.

Find Your Perfect Food & Beverage Writers

Search top food & beverage writers to write high-quality content for the food & beverage industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Joanne Thomas
Hire Joanne T
A writer of diverse interests, Joanne Thomas has penned pieces about road trips for Hyundai, children's craft projects for Disney and wine cocktails for Robert Mondavi. She has lived on three continents and currently resides in the western United States. Thomas holds a BSc in politics from the University of Bristol, England.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
390 reviews
Hire Joanne T
Scott Kessman
Hire Scott K
I possess a strong 20-year background in marketing, digital marketing, and advertising. However, writing has always been a true passion of mine, and after working in corporate offices for many years, I turned my passion for writing into a full-time job. As a contract content writer for the last 15 years, I can craft engaging and informative content about a wide variety of subjects. I have also written and published two fantasy novels and a collection of short stories.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
1133 reviews
Hire Scott K
April Khan
Hire April K
April Khan is an accomplished business, lifestyle, and medical writer with over 20 years of experience. Since opening Gud Agency Inc., she published over 4,000 articles for various publications and well-respected companies, including DropBox, Shape,  NHS, and LG. Her specialty is optimized content that sparks change. Khan is educated in Media, Health Communications, and Healthcare Law. She is passionate about behavioral sciences and works tirelessly to promote health equity.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
116 reviews
Hire April K
Kirk P.
Hire Kirk P
Kirk P. is a freelance writer who specializes in creative, click-worthy content for businesses in various verticals, including digital marketing, technology, retail, health care, and lifestyle and travel. Kirk's work has appeared on Travelocity, Ziff Davis, StubHub, and more. His talents include SEO-optimized copy, blog posts, website pages, press releases, product descriptions, email newsletters, and Tweets and Facebook posts.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
3070 reviews
Hire Kirk P
Rachael Rowe
Hire Rachael R
I have a background in healthcare which includes nursing, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, program management, and commissioning in the UK health setting. I also write for the travel and leisure industry and am a walking guidebook author. My portfolio includes writing on local food production for a regional magazine. NCTJ Diploma in Journalism.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
479 reviews
Hire Rachael R
Stephanie Mee
Hire Stephanie M
Stephanie is a freelance writer with over 12 years of experience writing for print and online media. Her work ranges from feature articles and interviews to website copy, white papers, product descriptions, documentary scripts and e-books. She specializes in lifestyle writing, but is proficient at researching and writing about a wide range of topics. Her work has been featured in numerous magazines, newspapers, and online platforms.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
80 reviews
Hire Stephanie M
Mabh Savage
Hire Mabh S
Mabh is an experienced professional copywriter and copyeditor with clients all around the world. As well as being a published author and regular columnist for various magazines, she writes SEO-focused copy for websites, blogs, and e-zines across a variety of industries. Her primary focus is health and nutrition, with expertise in fitness, supplements, complementary therapies, and a range of medical conditions. She's also up to date with digital transformation, data management, and data analytics, helping a number of thriving companies in this area engage their customers and clients with eas...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
755 reviews
Hire Mabh S
Ocean Malandra
Hire Ocean M
Ocean Malandra is a journalist and travel writer that divides his time between Northern California and South America. His work has appeared in everything from Business Insider and USA Today to Vice and High Times. He specializes in food, travel, health, environment, and cannabis.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
196 reviews
Hire Ocean M
Leah McClellan
Hire Leah M
With twenty years as a professional writer and editor and a BA and MA in English, I'm well-equipped to take on almost any assignment, including AI-generated content editing. My specialties include health and wellness, personal development, education, and travel. I'm also experienced in business writing and have Hubspot certification in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and SEO. I aim to provide your business with clear, compelling writing that communicates the right message to your audience — and produces results. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
29 reviews
Hire Leah M

Why hire a raw foods writer?

Some people call raw food diets a fad, but with evidence of such diets existing back in the 1300s, this is a far-fetched claim. The fact is that building dietary needs around raw foods has long been in existence, and just because it’s catching on now doesn’t necessarily mean it’s only a fad.

Whether you’re on the “it’s a fad” side or a proponent of this lifestyle, providing accurate and informed information to your clients and other consumers is paramount. If you’re an expert in your field, however, your time is likely better spent on research, production, and public relations than on creating content. This is why hiring a writer knowledgeable in raw foods is so important for brands.

The ability to provide scientifically-backed data in an easily-digestible way is important for establishing yourself as an industry leader. There are far too many half-truths and unsupported claims floating around the internet, but a professional writer can help you establish yourself as a trusted source of information.

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