Six Storytelling Resources You've Never Used

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Garrett Dennert

Think about what the word "resources" means in terms of writing. Go for it. Roll the word around on your tongue. Front, back, side to side, then off entirely. What'd you come up with?

Dictionary? Thesaurus? Purdue OWL?

If you did, bingo. You're right. Those are resources. But that's not really what we're concerned with in this post. Because the word "resources" can extend far beyond that, far beyond the basics and bury itself into pockets unseen, unheard, and unfelt. And maybe not all of the time, but sometimes resources such as the six you'll find here won't only spark a story - they'll save a story.

Between the Covers

In Their Words : "Today's best writers in conversation with David Naimon, KBOO 90.7, Portland, Oregon."

Why We Love It : So Karen Russell, George Saunders, Jonathan Lethem, David Mitchell, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Miranda July aren't enough to stoke curiosity enough for a listen? Okay, fine. Weird, but fine. Go into Between the Covers for the voice of David Naimon instead, the podcast's host. Not only does he provide a ridiculously close read of the works being discussed, but he grills these wonderful authors in the politest way imaginable – as a fan masterfully filtering his excitement into questions about topic, craft, process, and philosophy.

Experience This : Matt Bell: In the House Upon the Dirt between the Lake and the Woods

Louisiana Channel

In Their Words : "Louisiana Channel is a non-profit video channel for the internet launched by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in November 2012. Each week Louisiana Channel publishes videos about and with artists within visual art, literature, architecture, design etc. Louisiana Channel has the aim of disseminating knowledge of art and informing the public about the importance of art to society."

Why We Love It : Reading interviews is awesome. And so is listening to them through your earbuds. But watching these interviews provides yet another angle into what it means to be a prominent artist today – our personal favorites are those where the artist is addressing a room of people, rather than just the interviewer. You get a front-row view of just how settled in they are, how they work that room, how they verbally and visually package up their work for a new, live audience. And it doesn't hurt that the video quality is top notch.

Experience This : Colum McCann Interview: Do What is Most Difficult

The Writers Panel

In Their Words : "The Writers Panel series is an informal chat moderated by Ben Blacker with professional writers about the process and business of writing. Covering TV, film, comic books, music, novels, and any other kind of writing about which you'd care to hear."

Why We Love It : Ever dreamt of writing for a TV show? Of sitting around a table with several other talented writers and collaborating on weekly plot lines and character arcs? If nothing else, this podcast will confirm your assumptions: it's as fun as you think it is. Not every episode includes several writers (some are just one on one), but, regardless of head count, moderator Ben Blacker does a wonderful job of letting the writers have the floor. It's when they have the floor that what makes these TV shows so great becomes evident - chemistry between the staff. Which can really be an uplifting thing for an act like writing, typically performed in solitude.

Experience This : Episode 252: The Last Man on Earth

Almost Fearless

In Their Words : "Christine Gilbert (that's me) is the author of and has been traveling overseas with her husband Drew Gilbert since 2008. That's a long time in travel years."

Why We Love It : If you fancy yourself creative, you've probably navigated a few day dreams about living abroad and, well, being creative while doing so. Christine Gilbert and her husband have been living abroad and making a living for eight years. Along the way, they made a film. They were named National Geographic Travelers of the Year. They started a film production company in Mexico, and an online creative training program. She wrote a book. And, oh, hey, they've given birth to two children. Can you say: inspiration?

Experience This : My Next Reinvention

The Great Discontent

In Their Words : "The Great Discontent (TGD) is a print publication and online magazine featuring inspiring conversations with today's artists, makers, and risk-takers. Focusing on beginnings, creativity, and risk, TGD provides a memorable look into the lives of its subjects via long-form interviews, short features, film-based projects, and events."

Why We Love It : Talk about aesthetic prowess. The photos on this site are an inspiration in and unto themselves. But take a deep dive into the multimedia interviews of all sorts of creative folks, and you experience something that at once feels raw, polished, and, most importantly, possible.

Experience This : Reggie Watts

Red Lemon Club

In Their Words : "Red Lemon Club was set up in 2009 to help artists, freelancers, and entrepreneurs develop the mindset to be a success at what they do and grow their creative businesses."

Why We Love It : This blog provides something that interviews with our favorite artists just cannot: it melds together creativity, logic, and the implementation of business processes. It's as if the writer and reader have come to an understanding – that you aren't here to just click around and maybe be inspired to do something. No, you're already there. You're already doing something meaningful, and you need no-bullshit suggestions on how to make what's meaningful for you meaningful for other people.

Experience This : Why You Find Consistently Marketing Your Business So Hard, and How to Make it Effortless

Written by:

Garrett Dennert
Hire Garrett D
Analytical. Creative. Always up for a challenge. Garrett Dennert has produced over 300 blog posts spanning a wide range of topics, some examples of which include the global water crisis, the ecological and economical benefits of cremation, the methods of treating Combat PTSD in returning veterans, and how a wandering mind affects the creative process. More info: Garrett Dennert was raised in West Michigan and in 2012 attained his B.A. in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University. He has since gained over five years of digital marketing experience, helping all types of clients rea...
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