Smart Content Brief: AI-Powered Content Creation

Scripted is proud to introduce Smart Content Brief — the AI assistant that's going to change content marketing forever. Instead of writing briefs from scratch, our ChatGPT-powered tool will expertly create one for you, helping you outline your content requirements and communicate your goals to our talented human subject matter experts. The result? Our writers will know exactly what you want your content to look like, resulting in the perfect finished product.

Why You Need Our Smart Content Brief in Your Toolbox

Over 90% of marketing professionals achieved success with content marketing in 2021. But, let's face it, creating easy to follow content briefs might be one of the hardest parts of the content creation process. You need to communicate your ideas for a piece of content without overwhelming writers and hope they understand your expectations and objectives.

Unfortunately, that doesn't always go to plan.

You might forget to include something in your brief — that happens a lot, especially when businesses require multiple pieces of content simultaneously. Or you might fail to communicate something properly, resulting in a writer having to edit or revise your content at a later date. That can slow down the content creation process and even push back your planned publication date.

Plus, writing a content brief from scratch can be difficult. You might have an idea of how you want your content to look but not know how to express that idea in the right words. After all, you're not a writer, and that's why you're using a content writing platform in the first place!

Think about all the things you need to include in a typical brief:
  • The tone and style of your piece
  • The keywords you want to incorporate into your content
  • Your brand voice
  • How many internal and external links to include
  • How a writer should source references
  • What CTA to include

Smart Content Brief takes the pain out of this process by generating killer content briefs in mere minutes. Your writer then has all the knowledge they need to create content just the way you want it. If a writer doesn't quite deliver what you envisioned, you can still request edits.

How Does Smart Content Brief Work?

Smart Content Brief generates an outline for your writer based on your content goals and objectives. It's that simple.

Here's how it works:
  • Input a single keyword or a short sentence about your topic.
  • Provide a brief description of your target audience.
  • Wait (up to a few minutes) for our AI content brief software to do its thing.

That's it!

Your brief will include the best keywords for your subject matter expert writer to include in their writing, suggestions for tone and style, and other valuable information that guides and optimizes the content creation workflow.

At this point, you can change some of the details in the brief or add some extra notes for clarification. When you're ready, send your AI-powered brief to a human writer who will get straight to work


What's Included in Our Smart Content Brief?

The following elements are included in Scripted's Smart Content Brief, helping writers formulate your content piece:

  • The topic of your content
  • The content type (article, blog post, white paper, etc.)
  • Title suggestions
  • The target audience for your content
  • Keywords writers should incorporate into their writing
  • The suggested word count of the content

Why Customers Love Our Smart Content Brief

Save Time Creating Briefs

With Smart Content Brief, you can create more briefs than you normally would and in less time. If you require multiple pieces of content, you won't have to painstakingly think of things to include in your content outline and can spend your time on other marketing tasks.

Get Better Content

Struggling to come up with blog ideas? We’ve all been there. Scripted’s tool uses AI to generate blog ideas based on trending topics and keywords relevant to your industry.

Speed Up The Content Creation Process

When briefs are vague or have contradictory information, writers are likely to message you for clarification. By the time you read these messages, several hours or even days might have passed since you submitted your brief, delaying the content creation workflow. Smart Content Brief reduces the chances of this happening by providing writers with quality briefs to follow from project inception.

Improve SEO

Smart Content Brief uses the latest AI technology to identify the most relevant and powerful keywords for writers to include in your content. With more accurate keywords, you can improve your search rankings and generate more traffic to your website or other online properties.

FAQs About Smart Content Brief

What happens if Smart Content Brief doesn't quite nail it?

You can still make changes to the outline or information in Smart Content Brief before submitting it to a writer. Or you can add notes that build on the points in your AI-generated brief.

What if writers don't agree with something in Smart Content Brief?

AI is not perfect, and Scripted believes this technology should support, not replace, human writers. If Scripted's subject matter experts identify a mistake in an AI brief or something's not quite right, they will use their judgment to create the perfect piece of writing for your business needs.

Can I still create briefs without AI?

Sometimes, you might want to create an extremely detailed brief that your marketing team has agreed upon. You can still submit regular briefs on Scripted and use an AI content brief for another project. The choice is always yours whether you use our AI tools to help your content creation process. No matter what, though, you can rest assured all content you receive was written 100% by one of our vetted human subject matter experts.

Why You Need Our Smart Content Brief in Your Toolbox

Scripted believes combining AI with human writers is the secret to content marketing success. That's why we've incorporated technologies into our platform that help writers rather than hinder them.

While AI can create a content brief, it's our subject matter experts who write your content for you, providing you with a 100% human-generated product every time. And while it might be tempting to use AI technologies like ChatGPT to write your content, this "writing" might jeopardize your reputation and impact your search rankings.

Scripted is the AI-powered online marketplace connecting businesses with expert freelance writers to create high-quality, effective content at scale. Experience Smart Content Brief for yourself by signing up now, booking a demo, or scheduling a call with a strategist.

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