Tools You Didn't Know About That Will Measure Your Social Media Content
Buried within these social media analytics applications are great features that measure content success in a variety of ways.
Many marketers check their social media analytics like a toddler cranks a Jack in the Box: cautiously, averting their eyes.
Social media metrics can contain difficult truths about a social media campaign's success and no one wants to feel like their efforts didn't lead to a resounding success. However, social media analytics are not only increasingly friendly and easy to access, they've also become better; becoming accurate and showing more sophisticated measures of reach and success.
See also: How to Measure Your Blog Content's Success
We've collected a list of the best social media analytics tools and their greatest, most unique features.
Overview: HubSpot is an extensive online marketing tool that provides a unique social inbox feature. This feature integrates with the rest of HubSpot, allowing you to integrate social media data with your CRM tools. It can evaluate your social media reach and provide elegant, simple graphs that show your social media campaign's strengths and weaknesses.
Notable Feature: Mobile Tracking, ROI
Hubspot has developed an intuitive smartphone app that makes social media publishing outside the office simple. There's a quick preview under each displayed social media post, which includes analytics like the number of impressions, shares, replies, stars and, most interestingly, your social media ROI.
Overview: Twitter provides a powerful platform for many brands, but figuring out exactly how much exposure a tweet receives can be difficult. TweetReach is designed to make this easier. It allows for the searching of specific search terms, like mentions on Twitter, associated hashtags and even keyword phrases. TweetReach then finds tweets that match those search terms and provides you with a report on tweet metrics. The platform offers several ways of visualizing the reach data.
Notable Feature: Reach/Exposure Data
TweetReach's reach/exposure ratio is designed to show you how deeply your Tweets are penetrating your audience, through analyzing a tweet's reach, how many people have seen it -- its exposure -- and how many times a tweet has been seen.
A low percentage -- between 0 and 0.19 means there has been a lot of tweeting around your keywords or hashtags, but these tweets and hashtags have not been retweeted by followers. On the high end -- from 0.6-0.99 -- means there's a large variety of different users retweeting the original tweets and hashtags, meaning the post's reach is far and wide.
Adobe Social
Overview: Adobe Social is a set of software available within Adobe's Marketing Cloud. This enterprise-level social media analytics tool tracks content's reach by type of content and numerous other metrics. It has a predictive insights tool that helps guess the potential reach of content, which allows you to tweak your content for maximum impact before it's ever published.
Notable Feature: Competitor Analytics
Social media is not a race. There's no point in feeling defeated for having fewer followers than industry neighbors. However, keeping track of the ups and downs of competitors' social media analytics allows marketers to learn from their competitors' mistakes and success.
Adobe Social's competitor analytics report. Image credit: Adobe.
Social Mention
Overview: When there's already hundreds of metrics to manage, it's not always feasible to track when where social activity comes from. This free tracking tool not only helps you check your reach, it also allows you to search other sites for mentions -- for example, blogs.
Notable Feature: Seeing Who is Talking About You
Social mention might be the quickest way to discover who is talking about a given brand and how often they've been mentioned. Entering a search term allows access to data on retweets, associated keywords and the number of positive and negative mentions.
Tracking your social media reach is an essential part of understanding what your multi-channel marketing efforts do for you and your business. These tools make it easier to stay on top of your mentions, shares, likes, pins, and other social media activity involving your content.
How do you track social media success? Share your thoughts with us below.
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