Three Tips for Using Social Media to Market Your Niche Website

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Eloise Best

Three Tips for Using Social Media to Market Your Niche Website

If you run a niche website, you might be wondering how best to promote it on social media. Should you spam other pages with links to your content? Or follow thousands of accounts, hoping for reciprocal follows? No. Following the tips below will help you to establish yourself as a genuine expert within your niche, which will increase followers, boost engagement, and drive traffic back to your site.

Post genuinely useful content

If you're only using social media to drive traffic to your own site, followers will spot it from a mile off. By posting genuinely useful content from a variety of sources, you'll establish yourself as an authority within your niche and gain followers organically. There's nothing wrong with promoting your content, but it shouldn't be the only thing you do. Try setting yourself a rule - for every piece of your own content you post, post three from other sources. Being the first person to share hot news within your niche, or having the account that usefully collates hard-to-find information will make you stand out from competitors.

Engage with followers

One of the best uses of social media is to engage with your visitors, so don't just make your own posts and leave it at that. Send genuine, well thought out replies to posts from other accounts in your niche, and try to build connections with others. This could open up opportunities for cross-promotion which benefit you both. For example, you might agree to guest post on the blog of someone you've connected with on Facebook, or a Twitter friend might retweet links to your site. Connecting with companies within your niche could give you the opportunity to review sample products or sell ad space on your site.

Use teasers to drive website traffic

While posting useful information directly to your social media pages is a great way to get more followers, you shouldn't give everything away. By holding back some information, you'll encourage followers to visit your website to get the full story. If you share video content, try creating short teaser videos, then linking to the full video on your own site. For articles, creating headlines which hint to the content and get readers curious will help to increase clicks. You could also offer free products to visitors to your website – these could be downloadable resources, free eBooks or voucher codes for your products.

Marketing your niche website on social media is all about posting helpful information and building genuine relationships with followers. Once these pillars are in place, you can maximise traffic to your website by creating teasers to your main content.

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Eloise Best
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I'm a full-time freelance writer with over 7 years’ experience providing blogs and businesses with clear, concise, and informative content. I'll take the time to fully understand your brand and create content that customers will be keen to read, share, and engage with.
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