Your Modern Marketing Campaign Can Sing

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Paul R Boynton

Your Modern Marketing Campaign Can Sing

The world seems to move a million miles a minute. Every new day presents you with something new, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but invariably new. If you don't keep up with that blinding pace, the world will run right passed you, your story or whatever you're trying to convey to people. All that humming technology that's pushing the world to move faster and faster is certainly revolutionary, perhaps even evolutionary, and pivotal to keeping your message relevant.

Your Business at the Speed of Light

Your message, whether it's emails to clients, tweets to a consumer base or text messages to a single customer, are the lifeblood of a modern marketing campaign. Collectively, that campaign needs to be nimble, flexible and, above all else, pertinent to its intended target. For this reason, marketing automation is essential in keeping your communication specific, on point and personalized. It's what modern customers expect and demand, no matter if you're targeting retail consumers or business to business relationships.

Despite how intimidating this modern, technologically-driven environment might sound, however, automating your marketing campaigns doesn't have to be a headache. In fact, with a few basic tools, you can appear like a seasoned veteran of this automated brave new world.

The Basic Tools - CRM

Whether your business is small and new or large and established, your customer relationship management software, CRM for short, serves as the centralized hub that the different facets of your business revolve around. Although there are many to choose from, whichever package you decide upon, make certain it is flexible enough to suit your specific needs. Many of them use an open architecture to allow customization according to your demands.

Marketing Software

Once your CRM is in place, the different components of your marketing campaign can be integrated into that software infrastructure and even further customized. Like the CRM packages, there are many marketing software suites that can automate tweets, SMS, emails and just about any other form of marketing you employ to keep in constant contact with your customer base. Larger companies like Adobe, Oracle and IBM have entered this marketplace but, for the most part, automated marketing suites are designed by smaller, more niche-type software developers.

Whichever package you choose, make certain it works well with your existing CRM software and, most importantly, can easily accomplish what you want and require for your specific business needs. Do some research before buying, make certain the software vendor has exemplary customer support and start assembling a marketing campaign that will help your business thrive.

Don't Forget Your Web Presence

Lastly, don't underestimate the importance of your web presence as the component that actually faces your customer base. Whether it's more informational and functions as a greeting and contact point or serves as a retail center, your website is what current and prospective clients see from you so making the correct impression is absolutely vital. Once again, there are many providers that can provide customized web page design without you needing to be an HTML wizard. Just be certain they will serve you well and function seamlessly with your CRM and marketing automation solutions.

Written by:

Paul R Boynton
Hire Paul R
Paul has a BA in Economics from UCLA and an MBA from Pepperdine, After a successful, decade-long finance career, he decided to chase a dream and pursue a writing career. Thankfully for him, his wife, and four kids, it worked out well. While he still finds finance -- both corporate and personal -- and investing absolutely intriguing, he also enjoys indulging his curiosities in everything from science & technology to music & movies.
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